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Privacy and conditions

All about Onetrail’s privacy agreements, general terms and conditions, the data processing agreement and registration numbers.
Privacy statement

In our privacy statement we exemplify how we deal with cookies, your personal data and privacy rights on our website and the Trading Partner Network.

Data Processing Agreement

We have created a data processing agreement for parties that utilize Onetrail’s services. With this agreement, we arrange that both parties work according to the European privacy legislation.

Currently Onetrail has one sub-processor who processes Anyform orders (like PDF, Excel, email, Word, etc.) into XML orders. This company is:

Reporting Data Systems Limited
Incorporated in England and Wales with register number: 08646965
Office: 23 Holstein Crescent
Milton Keynes MK8 1ES
United Kingdom

General terms and conditions

The products and services of Onetrail can be used in various ways. The general terms and conditions cover the rules and legislation between Onetrail and its customers.

The Onetrail terms and conditions conform to the NLdigital-Terms, applicable to this agreement are chapters 1 through 3.

The NLdigital-Terms are filed with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30174840.

Information Security

To secure our data, we use practical, transparent procedures. This structurally allows us to guarantee that the exchange of confidential information and personal data of all trading parties that are connected to our network meets the highest quality standards.


CC number: 23045776
VAT number: NL005588601B01

Onetrail UK & Ireland

CC number: 9876246
VAT number: GB232984196