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What is a Global Location Number (GLN)?

A Global Location Number is a number of 8, 12, 13 or 14 positions long (depending on the country), with which a physical location of, for example, an office, shop or warehouse is identified as a unique address. A GLN enables unique and unambiguous identification of physical or operational locations worldwide. In Germany, a GLN is also called an ILN.

How does a GLN work?

GLNs ensure efficient communication and processing of names, addresses and other information about certain locations by not transmitting them with every transaction. This information is only communicated once, stored in the relevant system (e.g. ERP or CMS system) and then retrieved by referring to the unique GLN. It is possible to translate a GLN number into a GS1-128 barcode or EPC / RFID tag for scanning purposes.

The advantages of a GLN

Why use a GLN instead of an internal code? Each company can design its own internal code structure to identify locations. Although this may seem the easiest and fastest way, this may cause problems such as mentioned below.

When is a GLN used?

A GLN is used to indicate a unique location. They are widely used for electronic data exchange (EDI) between trading partners.

Global GLN standard

The GLN standard is managed by GS1, a non-profit organization that develops worldwide standards and solutions for a more efficient and better visible supply chain in various industries. In the Netherlands this role is fulfilled by GS1 Netherlands.

How does Onetrail use GLN numbers?

Onetrail is an official GS1 GLN provider and uses a GLN number for all its customers to identify the location. When a company does not have its own GLN number, an official GLN number is assigned by Onetrail.