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Corona-update #2; Astronomical growth in games category

After that the orders for home offices almost quadrupled, last week the games and accessories in particular showed an astronomical growth. The number of orders in this product group will remain unprecedented this week, even after the top in week twelve. The peak in orders for home workplaces is over. Those numbers are back to pre-corona outbreak levels.

Onetrail processes the data of thousands of orders within the IT market daily via the Onetrail Trading Partner Network. Based on the data, it is easy to observe significant spikes in demand for products and relevant purchasing effects through the corona crisis. With these Corona updates we provide insight into the most striking shifts.

Current status of corona measures
Where de we stand at the beginning of week fourteen; Prime Minister Rutte announced an extension of the current (working from home) measures till April 28, 2020.

On Thursday in week eleven, every citizen was asked to work from home as much as possible. From week twelve the schools are closed, everyone with a non-vital profession works at home and we only go outside when necessary. The 1.5-meter distance measure applies throughout the whole country and for everyone. The third week of far-reaching measures with the aim of containing the corona spread has started.

Demand for games is increasing, sports equipment on same level like before
  • The number of orders for games and accessories remains high after a peak in week twelve. The game supply chain is struggling to meet this high demand;
  • The number of orders for sports equipment has dropped back to the level of weeks ten and eleven;
  • The demand for game input devices also continues to rise. Compared to week ten, we see an increase of 340 percent.
Personal Care in the plus

A striking increase this week is the Personal Care devices category. Now that many hairdressers and beauty salons are closed, people are looking for do it yourself solutions. Interesting to see if this trend will continue next week.

Orders for home workplaces back to regular level
  • The demand for computer monitors and notebooks has dropped back significantly;
  • Paper and web cameras are also showing a clear decline.

Total number of orders remains at the same level

The total number of orders placed for all product groups shows a very small decrease for week thirteen. These are classified under the regular fluctuation of order numbers.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to monitor our database for relevant purchasing effects due to the corona crisis.

Tell us, what numbers intrigue interest in you?

Which numbers are you curious about, and would you like us to look into them for you? Tell us, and we will have a serious look at it and share (where possible) the insights with you.

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