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På Onetrail hjälper vi handelspartners på ICT- och konsumentelektronikmarknaden att optimera sina elektroniska datautbyten för att få ut mesta möjliga av sina inköps- och försäljningsprocesser. Så att de kan ligga steget före konkurrenterna och fortsätta växa.

Information security is the guiding principle in everything Onetrail does

According to security specialists, it is not a question whether an organization will ever be attacked, but when. And that is exactly the reason why we at Onetrail put security first on the agenda.

Officially ISO27001 certified

To secure our data, we use practical, transparent procedures. This structurally allows us to guarantee that the exchange of confidential information and personal data of all trading parties that are connected to our network meets the highest quality standards.

Statement of Applicability

The Statement of Applicability states what ISO 27001 controls and policies are being applied by Onetrail. For all details on our procedures and policies please refer to the Onetrail Statement of Applicability.